Ophthalmologist in Los Angeles

Eye Emergencies

June 14, 2020

No one plans for an emergency. They just happen. And if your eyes are the reason that you need urgent care, having the office of The Retina Partners on speed dial is a sure way of getting an uncomfortable and potentially serious eye problems taken care of as soon as possible.

When an eye or vision emergency occurs, your eye doctor is someone you can rely on for immediate, experienced care. As skilled providers of care, your ophthalmologist is well equipped to treat any eye trauma, sudden vision loss, sudden double vision, sudden red or painful eye, pink eye, a new onset of floaters and/or flashes, and foreign bodies in the eye. However, while you are on your way or waiting for care, we advise you to take a few precautions so as not to make matters any worse. Don’t press or rub the injured eye. Do not attempt to remove a foreign body that is resting on the cornea or seems to be imbedded in your eye. Avoid using dry cotton balls or swabs or any sharp instruments on the eye. And do not attempt to remove an embedded object.

It’s also important to keep in mind that many eye emergencies can be prevented. Simply by wearing appropriate eye protection approximately 90 percent of eye injuries can be prevented. Whether you’re at work or play, it’s important to wear protective eyewear as indicated to safeguard against accidental harm. For contact lens wearers, it’s essential to take care of your lenses and wear them as instructed. With a higher risk for a corneal infection known as keratitis as well as pink eye or conjunctivitis and a host of other viral and bacterial issues, do make sure you don’t wear your contacts longer than you should. Also, remember to properly clean and disinfect your lenses and lens cases.

At the office of The Retina Partners, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of skilled and compassionate care. For more information on our practice and the many services we provide, give our office a call today.

The Retina Partners | Macular Degeneration, Pneumatic Retinopexy and Intraocular Gases and Oil

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